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Guild Wars 2 is a vast and robust world full of Dragons, machines, epic battles and of course loot! But what makes Guild Wars 2 great is the community that it creates within the guilds. At PixelPub, we strive to provide the best in social gaming in and out of game. Our Guild Wars 2 clan is no exception, we do our best to run dungeons, daily events with one another. As our guild grows we plan to take on new challenges together and experience all of what the game has to offer.

Guild Details:


~~ Guild Leaders: Espressoknight & Ninjamonkee ~~

~~ Smaller Guild  (currently about 20 people) ~~
~~ Guild weeklies run on Friday evenings ~~

~~ Looking for new as well as experienced players ~~

We are working on making plans for laid back Raiding parties, WVW teams, PVP matches, Event clears, Map runs and other weekly events. 


Earn Levels in Discord!


PixelPub wants members to feel special when they interact with others within the community. Mee6 Discord bot allows for members to earn experience, gain levels and earn prizes! Start earning XP today!


Social network concept

Website Revamp


We want to make this the PixelPub website the best it can be! Provide feedback and tell us what you want to see! Visit the Contact Us to get in touch with our staff team!

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Games Games Games


We are always adding new games to our community. Look forward to titles like New World, Ashes of Creation and Elyon!

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