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"We took back our light, now we want everything else.."

We are Wrath Incarnate, a clan that strives to provide a rewarding and fun experience on Destiny 2. Destiny is best played with gamers that respect and help one another, this is the cornerstone of our clan. When players are respectful, helpful and have a common goal, great things can be achieved. Whether that goal is to complete the latest raid, or dominate in the Crucible, we got it.

We are recruiting all guardians! There are no age or skill restrictions, we welcome all guardians. We have Destiny veterans that have completed all the current content and ready to lead new players in raids, trials or nightfall events! We also have a great team of moderators and event leaders to make your experience in Destiny better.

Wrath Incarnate is not only a Destiny clan, but a gaming community. We love Destiny but we also enjoy other games and game types. We encourage our clan members not only to play Destiny together, but play the games you love, meet new people and be a part of a great community of gamers. Please visit our clan pages and request to join today!


Earn Levels in Discord!


PixelPub wants members to feel special when they interact with others within the community. Mee6 Discord bot allows for members to earn experience, gain levels and earn prizes! Start earning XP today!


Social network concept

Website Revamp


We want to make this the PixelPub website the best it can be! Provide feedback and tell us what you want to see! Visit the Contact Us to get in touch with our staff team!

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Young Girl Playing Computer Games

Games Games Games


We are always adding new games to our community. Look forward to titles like New World, Ashes of Creation and Elyon!

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